Gala Evening

American Chamber of Commerce hosted another traditional Gala Evening for distinguished members and guests from public sector.

This event gathered approximately three hundred guests, representatives of Croatian business community, Government, international organizations and diplomatic corps.

Thanks to our sponsors who covered all the expenses for the evening, all the proceeds from the ticket sales, in the total amount of HRK 100.000, were donated to the SOS Children’s Village Croatia!

AmCham's welcome speeches were followed by a reception with a musical performance by the Gelato Sisters.

  • September 8, 2022
  • 19:00h - 23:00h
  • Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, Oleander terasa
Sold out

19:00-19:30 Guests arrival

19:30-19:35 Welcome Speech, Andrea Doko Jelušić, Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce

19:35-19:40 Welcome Speech, Ruža Tomić Fontana, President of the Board of Governors of AmCham

19:40-19:45 Address: Višnja Tuškan – Krupić, National Director, SOS Children's Village Croatia

19:45-23:00 Reception

Gala Evening

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Join the leading international business community in Croatia.

Since 1998, AmCham Croatia has represented American, international, and Croatian companies' business interests. With over 350 members employing around 100,000 people, we are the voice of international business in Croatia. We are the first choice of international companies for policy advocacy in Croatia.

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