INDAGO d.o.o.
Category Small Business Member
Industry: Consulting
INDAGO is a one-stop shop for business, compliance and anti-fraud solutions.
Whether you're entering a new business relationship or just want to optimize how you do things, our team can tackle anything from vendor and M&A due diligence, in-depth investigations and background checks to tailoring your procedures and processes in order for you to do what’s most important – growing your business. By evaluating your corporate compliance and anti-fraud programs we make sure they are designed, deployed and effective in a way to meet all regulatory standards. Also, with specialist ISO 37001 implementation, we make sure your organization has the best tools to prevent, detect and address bribery on all levels. Given that there is no way to avoid what must be done, in the words of the great G.K. Chesterton, "It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem." INDAGO will help you proactively solve your business problems.