Judicial Committee


1. Civil Procedure Act (CPA)

  • The Civil Procedure Act is important for commercial and labor disputes. Currently, proceedings under the Act are lengthy and inefficient. Potential advantages of introducing clearer guidelines and obligations, such as timelines, to enhance the efficiency and predictability of proceedings under the Act should be explored.

2. Recommendations for judiciary improvement

  • Judiciary, quality of legislation and lengthy procedures are highlighted in AmCham’s business environment survey as a major issue for doing business in Croatia. Position paper on Recommendations for Judiciary Improvement will provide recommendations for improvements of the overall judiciary in Croatia.

The Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation announced its plans for 2025 and there are 25 pieces of legislation that will be amended. Among them the Committee will follow and act if needed: Act Establishing a European Framework for Digital Identity and Trust Services, Act on Salaries and Other Material Rights of Judicial Officials, Act on Amendments to the Act on Peaceful Dispute Resolution, Act on Amendments to the Act on Courts.

Representatives of the following member companies participate in the work of the Committee: 
A1 Hrvatska d.o.o.
Aion d.o.o.
Alpheus d.o.o.
CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Podružnica Zagreb
Crowe Horwath d.o.o.
Divjak, Topić, Bahtijarević & Krka odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
EOS Matrix d.o.o.
Ernst & Young d.o.o.
Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak
Hrvatski Telekom d.d.
IBM Hrvatska d.o.o.
INDAGO d.o.o.
Iron Mountain Hrvatska d.o.o.
JT International Zagreb d.o.o.
Kovačević Prpić Simeunović odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
KPMG Croatia d.o.o.
Medtronic Adriatic d.o.o.
Merck Sharp & Dohme d.o.o.
NEPHOS d.o.o.
OD Bradvica Marić Wahl Cesarec Skerlev d.o.o.
Odvjetničko društvo Ilej & Partneri d.o.o.
Odvjetničko društvo Porobija & Špoljarić d.o.o.
Odvjetničko društvo Škurla, Durmiš i Spajić d.o.o.
Odvjetničko društvo Vedriš & Partneri d.o.o.
Orbico d.o.o.
Pešut Matić Galeković Zgombić odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o.
Sole-Mark d.o.o.
Solvership d.o.o.
Vukmir i suradnici odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG-Podružnica Zagreb
ZMP IP d.o.o.


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