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May 7, 2024

Meeting with Minister of Finance Marko Primorac

At the meeting with the Minister of Finance Marko Primorac AmCham's „Recommendations for the Tax System Reform in 2024“ were presented.

In addition to Minister Primorac, the meeting was attended by Božidar Kutleša, Director General of the Tax Administration, Tereza Rogić Lugarić, State Secretary and Marijana Vuraić Kudeljan, Deputy Director General of the Tax Administration.

This year, AmCham Croatia also published the position paper "Recommendations for the Tax System Reform in 2024", which proposes a series of recommendations for better functioning of the tax unburdening.

As short-term measures, AmCham proposes three key changes to achieve the stated goals:
- Increase non-taxable personal deductions to EUR 840;
- Increase the higher income tax rate threshold to EUR 5,000 per month;
- Apply the maximum monthly and annual bases in the calculation of healthcare insurance contributions.

As a medium-term measure, AmCham believes that reducing income tax rates from 20% (i.e., 15%-23.6%, depending on the city/municipality) to 10% and 30% (i.e., 25%-35.4% depending on the city/municipality) to 20% would have an additional strong positive impact on the Croatian economy and would increase the purchasing power of a large number of workers.

In addition to tax topics, the meeting participants discussed the need to ratify the Double Taxation Treaty between Croatia and the United States, which would further strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries.

Along with Andrea Doko Jelušić, Executive Director of AmCham, members of the Trade and Investments Committee participated in the meeting: Helena Schmidt, Partner, Tax & legal / Country Leader, Deloitte, Krešimir Lipovšćak, Partner, Crowe Horwath, Vladimir Nol, Partner, Mazars, Petra Megla, Associate Partner, KPMG and Dražen Malbašić, Policy Manager, AmCham.


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