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Petrinja High School - Request for Donation
July 23, 2021

Petrinja High School - Request for Donation

Let's enable high school students in Petrinja their back to school! The goal is to collect around 2,000,000.00 kn by the end of the summer, i.e. as soon as possible so that they can close the facility and install the majority of donated material.

So far, most of the preparatory work on the building has been done by volunteers from all over Croatia and companies from the city of Petrinja - demolition of walls, removal of substrates, carpentry, removal of construction waste, removal of trees, mulching and many other works.

All procurements and works will be carried out in accordance with the legislation and with the consent of the founder. Also, all donations to the earthquake-affected area are reduced in the balance sheet according to the applicable tax regulations.

The letter is here.

The number of the donation account in Privredna banka Zagreb is:

IBAN: HR7323400091511110505

Model: HR00

Identification number: 2021

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