AmCham is association with Harvard Business Review Press is bringing you top writers of management books. At this on-line event Susan W. Golden, professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business introduced the key insights from his new book Stage (Not Age).
How to Understand and Serve People over 60 – The Fastest Growing, Most Dynamic Market in the World
Older people will soon outnumber younger people in the majority of countries around the globe. This demographic shift brings with it a massive business opportunity…a $22 trillion dollar opportunity in the form of a “longevity economy.” Yet outdated notions and assumptions about older adult customers are costing companies economically and culturally. To fully tap into this economy, businesses across every industry must adopt a fresh mindset to better understand the diversity of this market.
In Stage (Not Age) Susan Golden, dispels common misconceptions about older adults, addresses ageism head-on, and discusses age-related matters that most companies have long ignored.
Stage (Not Age) will not only help established business leaders, but it will also inspire innovators, “olderpreneurs,” and investors to better serve this fast-growing and dynamic market. With in-depth examples of companies who’ve successfully developed longevity strategies, Stage (Not Age) equips entrepreneurs and leaders with the tools and roadmap they need to create more innovative products and services for older adults so they can enjoy longer — and better — lives filled with dignity.
Every business will need a longevity strategy and every entrepreneur needs to consider this enormous business opportunity.
Susan W. Golden is an expert on innovation and the unique entrepreneurial opportunities that longer lives and the growing $22 trillion longevity economy present. She teaches at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and is the director of the dciX impact initiative at the Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute (DCI).
Her career includes time spent in venture capital, public health and life sciences, which provides her with a multidimensional, multidisciplinary perspective on longevity opportunities. She received a doctorate in science from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and was a 2016 Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute fellow.
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