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Employers who examine employee satisfaction have up to 60% lower turnover
June 25, 2024

Employers who examine employee satisfaction have up to 60% lower turnover

SELECTIO Group has conducted over 20,000 HR system evaluations and analyzed how companies conduct employee satisfaction surveys and how much impact the research has on reducing turnover.

Gallup’s research shows that teams with high employee engagement experience 21% higher profitability and 17% higher productivity compared to teams with low employee engagement. Organizations that care about employee engagement and work to improve the working atmosphere have 59% lower turnover. Employers who systematically conduct engagement surveys have noticed that it is easier to motivate employees and encourage expressing ideas, opinions and suggestions freely.

"Employees who feel valued are more likely to be productive. It is optimal to conduct a large survey yearly, with shorter pulse check surveys in between. When an organization discovers what motivates employees, it can make informed decisions about introducing changes," said Erna Tomiša, Senior People and Culture Consultant at SELECTIO Group, the leading group for HR consulting in Croatia.

Replacing one employee costs approximately 20% of his annual salary. As constant fluctuations are not financially sustainable in the long term, it is crucial to ensure motivating conditions.

Employers can reduce recruitment and training costs by regularly conducting satisfaction surveys, but also by introducing desirable HR practices. When they conduct research only once, organizations deny themselves the opportunity to improve the climate, increase productivity and retain professional staff.

SELECTIO Group helps organizations increase employee engagement through the implementation of organizational climate surveys. Experts with years of consulting experience in human resources, in cooperation with the organization's management, draw up concrete guidelines for improvement based on the survey results. Companies then receive a plan to increase productivity and reduce absenteeism and turnover.

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