Tiko Pro invites you to the free ONLINE event on February 16, 2023 at 10:00 am where they will present the latest information from the world of grants.
Many entrepreneurs want to participate in the Tiko Pro "Entrepreneurial breakfast - Where are grants?", but due to distance or other reasons they are unable to, so the concept of the event has been changed to make it accessible to everyone.
Mrs. Spomenka Đurić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of the European Union, will join us and present the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and opportunities for entrepreneurs.
We will cover the most current concepts of digital and green transition which will be presented by guests from Siemens d.d. and HEP-ESCO d.o.o.
A successful story about obtaining grants for research and development will be presented by Naklada Slap d.o.o.
Tiko Pro consultants will present the current tenders, important criteria when applying for a tender and elements of the implementation and public procurement process.
PLACE AND TIME: 16.2.2023. starting at 10 am / ONLINE
See the program here: https://event.tiko-pro.hr/tiko-propoduzetnicki-dorucak-2023-gdje-se-skrivaju-bespovratna-sredstva
For more information please contact Tiko Pro: info@tiko-pro.hr
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