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Management of EE Waste from Solar Panels
March 21, 2025

Management of EE Waste from Solar Panels

American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia has published a new position paper „Management of EE Waste from Solar Panels“.

In Croatia, manufacturers and importers of photovoltaic panels have been regularly paying a fee for the management of electrical and electronic waste (EE waste) for several years or have been subject to customs inspections and assessments. Even so, the infrastructure for the collection and disposal of this waste has yet to be established. Furthermore, investors who experienced damage to photovoltaic modules – either due to weather conditions or during transit – have had to bear the storage costs themselves, as there is no organized system for the collection, processing, or recycling of such waste.

Currently, the amount of the fee for the disposal of EE waste from solar panels in Croatia is significantly higher than in other EU countries and is paid for the total weight of the modules, although the largest part of their mass consists of materials that are not classified as EE waste and are recyclable.

To ensure the continued sustainable development of the renewable energy sector, it is essential to adjust the EE waste fee system, taking into account the actual share of recyclable materials in photovoltaic panels and to provide investors with more favorable conditions for further investment in solar energy. This would also contribute to Croatia’s energy independence, reduce costs for end users, and lessen the administrative burden on investors. This measure would align with national and EU climate goals and encourage the achievement of ambitious climate standards.

AmCham's position paper is available here.

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